Reduce Your Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

If you could change anything with having Multiple Sclerosis, picture…

You have more energy—energy you can depend on
You concentrate, remember and reason well
Your muscle spasms or spacticity are reduced—making activities easier to do
You sleep well and wake feeling well rested
You have found a successful treatment plan for minimizing your MS symptoms
You have more pain free days and find your quality of life improving

What if Multiple Sclerosis affected your life less? Think of all the things you could do…

Your Commitment + Our Health Tools

Reduce Your Symptoms and Live Your Best Life


Your Symptom Journal membership helps manage and reduce your MS symptoms:

  • Your Symptom Journal membership gives you a plan. You have a history of your MS symptoms, triggers and health outcomes saving months or years discovering how to reduce your symptoms.
  • You feel confident about your health. You have a GPS to navigate what triggers your MS symptoms increasing—an early warning system that shows you how to avoid what triggers your symptoms.
  • You have a system for keeping your body operating at it’s best with having Multiple Sclerosis. You have an integrated system for tracking what you eat; your sleeps patterns, and exercise—all key components for being at your best.
  • You know how to reduce your symptoms. Your reports show how your health and treatments are working or not working enabling you and your doctor to make changes that can reduce your MS symptoms.
  • You know how to create your best life. Your reports show you exactly how, what, why, and when your MS symptoms increase or decrease—a roadmap to know what to change to create your best life.
  • You can take back your power and take control of your health. In less than 5 minutes a day, our patent-pending technology shows you how your lifestyle choices, nutrition, and treatment affect your MS symptoms.

Take the Challenge-14 Days to Having the Life You Want

Give us 14 days and we will show you how to reduce your MS symptoms and live your best life as a Symptom Journal member. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, click on the JOIN button and become a member today!

Track Your Symptoms
multiple sclerosis symptom checklistTrack your symptoms and learn how to reduce your symptoms and bring your illnesses under control. In 2-3 minutes a day you can answer daily questions that can show you how to create a healthier life.
Find Answers
multiple sclerosis symptom reportsGet answers through reports that show you exactly how, what, why, and when your symptoms increase or decrease, helping you achieve amazing results and a healthier life.
Live Well!
multiple sclerosis live wellLive well and know what choices to change based on the results you see in your reports. Your reports show you how to create a healthier life and with your doctor's help you can modify your treatment plan and live your best life.

Track Your Symptoms + Find Answers = Live Well!


We promise the information you gain, as a Symptom Journal member will give you invaluable insights and the possibility for life-changing results with Multiple Sclerosis, a personal road map for turning obstacles into victories. Don’t lose another day, become a member today—have the tools to unlock your best life.

You Deserve to Live Your Best Life with Multiple Sclerosis

Discover the power of symptom tracking:

  • Discover in real time if your Multiple Sclerosis symptoms are increasing or decreasing because of your nutrition, medications, and therapies, and how these choices affect your health outcomes.
  • Life-changing results can be yours through symptom tracking; eliminate wasted months and potentially years of not having accurate answers about what is working or not working with your Multiple Sclerosis treatment plan.
  • Feel confident with reports that you can share with your doctor when discussing your health, giving you facts to back up how you are feeling and how your Multiple Sclerosis treatment plan is working or not working.
  • The goal of symptom tracking is symptom reduction allowing you to manage your health, reduce your symptoms and create your best quality of life.

Most of us have systems for managing our finances, weight, time, and exercise. Managing your health is no different. You can't manage what you don't track. We are patients like you, who took action, created web-based health tools, found solutions to difficult questions, and wanted to share our discoveries to help you create your best quality of life with Multiple Sclerosis. Join our community as a Symptom Journal member and live your best life.

You Can't Manage What You Don't Track

What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, unpredictable autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. MS can range from being relatively benign to a somewhat debilitating disease that varies in its progress. Specific symptoms and severity vary from person to person. World-wide MS affects about 2.5 million people and within the United States possibly 250,000-350,000 people have MS with an average of 200 people a week being newly diagnosed.

In autoimmune diseases such as MS, the association between the immune system and the body is disrupted when the immune system seems to wrongly identify and declare war on the part of the body (myelin) it no longer recognizes. Through intensive research efforts, scientists are unraveling the complex secrets of the malfunctioning immune system of patients with MS. Learn more about multiple sclerosis as a member of the Symptom Journal.

Causes of Multiple Sclerosis

As with many other autoimmune diseases there is no known specific cause for MS, but there are many theories about what could be the probable cause. Possible factors that might cause multiple sclerosis to develop include: environmental factors, lack of vitamin D, the role of infections, and genetics. Most people experience their first symptoms of MS between the ages of 20 and 40. Some of the risk factors are that women are more likely than men to develop MS, and that MS is more prevalent in temperate climates. More causes, risk factors, and continuing research associated with multiple sclerosis are discussed in the member's section.


Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Just as individuals are unique, Multiple Sclerosis symptoms and the course of those symptoms are also distinctive. People with Multiple Sclerosis usually experience one of four different courses of MS, and each course might be mild, moderate or debilitating. The different courses that MS can take are: relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS), primary-progressive MS (PPMS), secondary-progressive MS (SOMS), and progressive-relapsing MS (PRMS).

In addition, twenty percent of the MS population has a benign form of the disease in which symptoms show little or no progression after the initial attack; these patients remain fully functional. Studies throughout the world are causing investigators to redefine the natural course of the disease. Symptoms may include: visual problems, muscle weakness, fatigue, and speech impediments. An extensive list of symptoms for multiple sclerosis is presented in your Symptom Checklist. Through your Daily Questions you can monitor how your symptoms, treatment, and lifestyle are affecting your health.

Diagnosis, Treatment & Self-Care with Multiple Sclerosis

Understanding the process your doctor may use in diagnosing multiple sclerosis helps you ask questions and better understand your diagnosis and treatment process. In the members area, there is a full description of the diagnosis process and possible tests that your doctor may order. We discuss the conventional treatment options along with alternative and complementary treatments that other individuals with multiple sclerosis have found helpful. Our multiple sclerosis Self-Care section for members explains how simple lifestyle choices can help improve your outcomes and quality of life.

As a member of the Symptom Journal, you will be able to see how your treatment, lifestyle choices, and nutrition correlate with how your symptoms increase or decrease through our Reports area, allowing you to make timely changes with your health team that saves you money, time, and energy. Reduce your Multiple Sclerosis symptoms by learning through symptom tracking and personalized reports how your treatment plan is working so that you can make health changes that allow you to live your best life.

Exercise, Nutrition & Support for Multiple Sclerosis

In the Exercise and Nutrition section for members, we cover some of the most popular diets and exercise tips that people have used to positively affect their quality of life and outcomes with MS. We also provide an Inspiration Toolkit for our members, giving you tools, support, and motivational techniques for staying inspired with your health journey. We understand the day-to-day challenges with multiple sclerosis and want to support you in creating your best quality of life.

Still not convinced that Symptom Journal can make a significant and positive change in your health, then Read Tamara's Story > and see how symptom tracking changed her life.

 symptom checklist
Track Your Symptoms

and learn how to reduce your symptoms and bring your illnesses under control. In less than 5 minutes a day learn how to create a healthier life.

 symptom reports
Find Answers

through reports that show how, what, why, and when your symptoms increase or decrease, helping you achieve amazing results and a healthier life.

 live well
Live Well

and know what choices to change based on results you see in your reports, showing you and your doctor how to reduce your symptoms so you can live your best life.